Hrafntinna/Black Obsidian 2019-2022
Hrafntinna/Black Obsidian,
a multimedia production that combines musical composition, video and performance art.
The title is inspired by a volcanic rock found in iceland that historically has been shrouded in mystery
and is said to provide insight into the world´s past, present and future: Hrafntinna.
The idea is a result of Rønning and Thordarson´s successfull collaboration with
Thordarson´s artistic research work at NTNU where he developed a glove
that can be used by conductors to influence electronic sounds during a concert.
Rønning performs with this glove in the show.
Rønning´s creative work is about interdisciplinary meeting points.
She wants to challenge established formats for artistic communication by forming new connections
and thus new art expressions.
A visual artist, a choreographer, as well as musicians and singers were creative collaborators in the project.
Poem by Thordarson and Rønning, sung in the 5 voice choral:
Icelandic (original) (English translation)
Þögul tréin blakta í golunni Silent trees flutter in the soft wind
Tifandi hjarta A beating heart
Hrjúfir og mjúkir steinar í fjörunni, Rough and soft stones on the shore,
Gljáfagurt svartlitað yfirborð shining black surfaces
Glitrar sem frostrós glimmer like a frozen rose
í óravídd heimsins. in the vastness of the world.
Halldis Rønning Composer/conductor
Hilmar Thordarson Composer/electronics
Thorbjörg Jónsdottir video-art
In creative collaboration with
Karen Eide Bøen, Choreography
Niels Thibaud Girerd, Staging
IMNO ensemble:
Jostein Stalheim, accordion
Guro Skumsnes Moe, doublebass/voice
Else Olsen Storesund, piano
Caput Ensemble:
Guðni Franzson, clarinets
Thuridur Jonsdottir, flutes
Sigurður Halldórsson, cello
Hrafnkell Örn Guðjónsson (Keli from Agent Fresco), Percussion
The Icelandic Opera:
Oddur Jónsson, Baryton
Herdis Anna Jónasdóttir, soprano
Tabula Rasa vocal Ensemble:
Sigrun Jørdre, Soprano
Zsuzsa Zseni, mezzosoprano
Tord Kalvenes, tenor
Arild Rohde, tenor
William Hjort-Johansen, electronic sound assistant
Gunnbjørg Johannessen, producer from Syv mil
Photo: Thor Brødreskift. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use is allowed.
Watermusic 2019-20
Watermusic is a concept by Halldis Rønninger that combines underwater video art with musical composition.
it was premiered in 2020 in two different versions at Gallery Entrée as a part of Bergen Lights.
The visual composition was based on the movements, colors and reflections of sunlight and seawater.
Cinematographer, Siv Seglem
The musical compositions were made through improvisation by:
Håvard Skaset, synth
Guro S. Moe, bass and broken ceramics
Ane Marthe Sørlie Holen,Water-percussion
Trond Hugo Ahlsen, sound prosessing
Halldis Rønning, Nøkkelharpa, stones, glass and voice.
sound technician, Thorolf Thuestad
it was premiered in 2020 in two different versions at Gallery Entrée as a part of Bergen Lights.
The visual composition was based on the movements, colors and reflections of sunlight and seawater.
Cinematographer, Siv Seglem
The musical compositions were made through improvisation by:
Håvard Skaset, synth
Guro S. Moe, bass and broken ceramics
Ane Marthe Sørlie Holen,Water-percussion
Trond Hugo Ahlsen, sound prosessing
Halldis Rønning, Nøkkelharpa, stones, glass and voice.
sound technician, Thorolf Thuestad
Glass artist Beda Maria Johansson made a wind chime made of small glass culptures resembling deep sea creatures.
Made from drawings by Rønning.
Made from drawings by Rønning.
The musical work was developed by the musicians in collaboration through improvisation, talks and visual impressions from the video.
Some of the recurring themes in our conversations were to what extent the music should follow the visuals versus be totally independent.
We experimented with both with very different effects on the artistic expression.
We ended up with following the visuals but keeping an individual force and drive in the musical performance that would overrule sychronicity with the video when it came to timing. So the the medias were in flux, but not nessecaroly at the same time.
Vi endte opp med å følge det visuelle men med en selvstendig kraft eller driv i fremføringen som ikke nødvendigvis var synkron med videoen.
Galleri Entree er et lite lokale og det var stappfullt av publikumere begge dager. Det var til og med folk som ikke kom inn.
Utenom konsertene ble videoen projisert på veggen i Galleriet hele døgnet. Så når folk gikk forbi ute på gaten kunne man se veggen inne fylt av levende undervannsbilder.
Performative concert to artworks
by Line Hvoslef.
Photos from performative concert in Kunstgatasjen 24th of may 2019.
Artwork by Line Hvoslef.
Jostein Stalheim, Patricia Michelits, David Hebert, John Ehde and Halldis Rønning
by Line Hvoslef.
Photos from performative concert in Kunstgatasjen 24th of may 2019.
Artwork by Line Hvoslef.
Jostein Stalheim, Patricia Michelits, David Hebert, John Ehde and Halldis Rønning